
Welcome to Jamroom

user image 2017-06-22
Posted in: welcome

Thank you for installing Jamroom!

Jamroom is an easy to use, and easy to customize CMS that centers around User Profiles . With excellent media support, thousands of sites have been using Jamroom to power their social media needs for over 13 years.

When logged in to your new site, click on the "Tour" tabs available in many of the modules - these small tips and tours will help you quickly get up to speed on how Jamroom works and how it can be customized to suit your needs.

Make sure and join us on Jamroom.net:


and let us know how you're using Jamroom - we love getting feedback on how we can make Jamroom better.

Thanks again for installing Jamroom - we hope you enjoy using it and hope to see you online!

- The Jamroom Team
