Winfield Parker And Praise
Winfield Parker And Praise
Winfield Parker And Praise

Constantly performing and touring, Winfield Parker and Praise enjoy tremendous success in their native Maryland and surrounding states. Praise consists of Winfield’s wife Sarah, his brother Edward Lynn, his cousin Vanessa Hunter and the only non-member of the family, Vanessa’s close friend Emily Watson. “The Lord led me to get background singers, whom I scanned for voice as well as spiritual feeling.”

In the new Millennium, Winfield added a five-piece band for their live performances. Once or twice a year, Winfield offers fans the chance to travel with the band for five days of communing and attending two or three concerts as far away as North Carolina. 


Sending Up My Timber

Gospel & Religious
Gospel & Religious
Gospel & Religious
Gospel & Religious
Gospel & Religious
Gospel & Religious
Gospel & Religious
Gospel & Religious
Gospel & Religious
Gospel & Religious